ICBI Standards Summary

Budgeting Credential Standards

Generally Accepted Reserve Study Principles establish and document the broad, basic concepts upon which the reserve study process is based.

  1. General Principles
  2. Reserve Activity & Component Principles
  3. Calculation Principles
  4. Service Level Principles
  5. Reporting Principles
  6. Software Principles

Interpretations of Generally Accepted Reserve Study Principles clarify and expand the principles to provide specific guidance.

  1. Interpretations of each of the principles noted above

Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards establish and document the broad, basic performance guidelines for the preparation of reserve studies.

  1. General Standards
  2. Field Standards
  3. Reporting Standards
  4. Software Standards

Interpretations of Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards clarify and expand the standards to provide specific guidance to reserve professionals.

  1. Interpretations of each of the standards noted above

Generally Accepted Reserve Study Principles

Interpretations of Generally Accepted Reserve Study Principles

Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards

Interpretations of Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards

A downloadable Adobe Acrobat copy of the full set of Principles, Standards, and interpretations is available here.

Standards of Professional Conduct

All Registered Reserve Consultants shall:

  1. Be independent with respect to their clients or disclose any facts or relationships that could impair independence
  2. Be knowledgeable regarding the services to be performed, or decline any engagements where Consultant does not believe they possess the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to perform the engagement, OR bring in an outside expert that does possess the necessary skills, knowledge and experience
  3. Gain an understanding of the client’s scope of work including compliance with the applicable governing documents, policies and procedures and regulatory requirements
  4. Not knowingly misrepresent any materials facts or make inaccurate statements
  5. Disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest with respect to the reserve study engagement
  6. Refuse any form of gratuity that could be viewed as improper
  7. Participate in 8 hours annually of continuing education
  8. Conduct themselves in a professional manner